
What are the accessible guestroom features?
Our guestrooms feature lowered entry door viewers and signage, elevated safe and wardrobe racks, folding wardrobe doors, closed captioned televisions. You’ll also find emergency codes/buttons inside the rooms for immediate assistance.
What are the accessible bathroom features?
The accessible bathrooms in our guestrooms are spacious enough for wheelchair access, and feature emergency cords for immediate assistance. They also feature a range of facilities including roll-in shower stalls, roll-in shower areas with bathroom seat, grab handles near the bathtub and handheld showerheads.
Do you have mobility aids?
Yes, we’re happy to provide a wheelchair or crutches on request.
Do you have anti-allergy bedding?
For your most comfortable night’s sleep, we’re pleased to offer feather-free bedding and pillows.
Are the public areas accessible?
With the exception of La Libreria, all public areas are accessible to wheelchairs and feature wide corridors and entrances. There are also elevators located near accessible rooms.
Are the bathrooms accessible?
The hotel has accessible bathrooms on the fifth floor.
Is there accessible parking at the hotel?
There is no accessible parking. However, you can be dropped off at the front of the hotel for accessible entry.
Can I bring my service dog?
We’re pleased to welcome all service dogs at the hotel.
Does the hotel have an alarm system?
In case of emergency, the hotel features visible strobe light smoke detectors and an emergency annunciator system.
For more information about ADA compliance at the hotel,
please call +39 06 478121 or email [email protected]